a spring peeper on a leaf

Roaming the Valley – ancient lakes, frogs, and sand volcanoes

Despite wintry weather chewing at my edges I’ve spent plenty of time outdoors roaming the Pioneer Valley in the last few months. In late January, UMass geoscientist Julie Brigham-Grette took me for a McPhee-style gander through regional geology: Right now, we’re turning down a squelchy, pitted dirt road in the back fields of Sunderland. Minutes …

The land through native eyes

In my latest article for The Daily Hampshire Gazette, I contemplated the perspectives of indigenous communities on our relationship to land, partly in preparation for an author event on the same theme at the Forbes Library. Two summers ago, I visited the grasslands of southwestern Brazil. I stayed at a fazenda, a farm property offering …

NEPR Interview – Water Street

This summer, I was interviewed about my chapbook Water Street by New England Public Radio’s Karen Brown for her summer literary series. Summer Fiction: ‘Water Street’ by Naila Moreira “Naila Moreira is a science and environmental journalist who also writes poems. Her new book of poetry, “Water Street,” is immersed in the natural world. She …


A poem from my forthcoming chapbook, Water Street. It also appeared in the Naugatuck River Review. For the frogs – love their pale little alien selves. Just the poem this time for easier reading. Published in the Naugatuck River Review issue 16. #poem #poetry #animalpoems #naila_fin A photo posted by Naila Moreira (@naila_fin) on Nov …

Water Street

I have a new chapbook of poems coming out from Finishing Line Press. Very exciting! The collection is called Water Street and explores the tension between freedom and domesticity. I spoke more about the book in this interview. Of the book, poet Doug Anderson, author of The Moon Reflected Fire, Horse Medicine and other books, …